Fun Spot America, Kissimmee Location
Creative Direction, Themed Experience Design, way-finding signage, and Branding
The "New York Burger Company" is a quick service restaurant located in the Fun Spot America Kissimmee location. The original location, "B.B. Grinders", was outdated and in need of a retheme due to conflicting branding and outdated menus. The creative department tasked me with creating the new visual identity and branding for the restaurant that would be implemented with new vinyl wrapping for the exterior of the building.

This page breaks down the project by the Project Pitch Deck, Design Details, Finished Project, and Digital Menu signage.
Project Pitch Deck
Design Details 
Subway Directional Signage, Tiles, Advertisements, Station Mosaic, and Subway details
Finished Project
Project completed with vinyl wrapping on location at Fun Spot Kissimmee.
Digital Menu Design
Main menu layout and individual offerings

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